F-30 Fire Protection Hydraulic Control Valve (Diaphragm Valves)
PN 16 – DN 25 - 400 mm
The F-30 Series is line of metal, diaphragm-operated hydraulic control valves.
The valves are suitable for installation for fire protection in high-rise buildings and in on & off shore applications.
The F-30 series has an innovative elliptic shaped diaphragm that integrates well with a wide variety of regulating control pilots, solenoids and control accessories.
It is compatibility designed for water level control, flow control, electric & remote control as well as pressure reducing & pressure sustaining operation.
Main Features
- Excellent regulating capabilities for a wide range of flow rates from drip (500 l/h) up to maximum flow
- Operational from low pressure up to 16 bar
- Highly reliable operation and durable over time
- Quick-reaction operation
- Rapid response to changes in flow rate
- Designed to reduce cavitation damage
- High KV performance
- Low head losses
Wide range of connections:
- Flanged, Threaded and Grooved
- Simple mechanism
- Easy inline maintenance
- User-friendly
עודכן לאחרונה ב: ראשון, 23 אפריל 2017